Slave Species of the Gods

My lifelong obsession with the legend of the Annunaki has brought me today to a new book, “Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth, 2nd Edition” by by Michael Tellinger. My intention today is to read and comment on this book, adding my own knowledge or thoughts to those of the author.

What appealed to me about this book, aside from the topic and the book description, are the following promotional quotes:

If you think you knew about DNA manipulation, the Anunnaki, or their secret mission on Earth, you need to read this book and take the next step. This is truly an amazing book that has been well researched.

Zacharia Sitchen was perhaps one of the first author’s/researchers to suggest that our ancient religious texts actually inform us that long ago another race of beings came to our planet (what we now call the “gods:), examined the most advanced lifeforms on earth, and then manipulated it’s genetic code to create a slave race of “advanced” beings to mine gold for them. I realize that the idea sounds preposterous to most but I have become convinced that plenty of sources point to this notion (that man is a genetic mutation that was manipulated by an advanced species to become a slave race). It solves the age old debate of creationism vs evolution because it is possible life does indeed “evolve” but that modern man would not have been possible without a little help and altering of our genetic code (i.e. the reason for the “missing link”).

this is a well-researched, well-written, and thought-provoking book on a controversial subject, and I applaud it as a contribution to the debate about the mysterious origins of humanity.” (Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods)

Sure, Graham Hancock might have just “said that” to help promote the book but I’m a huge fan of Graham Hancock and if he’s going to put his name on it and says the book is well researched, then I’m hopeful it is.

These comments along with dozens of “must read!” comments from actual readers leads me to believe there will be more than a few talking points and food for thought to add to my own knowledge and opinions.

While I would prefer others read the book or the blog and banter back and forth with me, I will instead abbreviate my thoughts until such time as it becomes clear someone is interested in knowing more. I am always more than happy to expand upon my own thoughts, knowledge and opinions and prefer it that way. If you stopped by, let me know with a thumbs up, comment or something so I know someone read it today.